Scientific name: Usnea Old Man's Beard is a herbal medicine although technically not a plant. It is a lichen which is an organism that consists of a symbiotic relationship between... read more →
Scientific name: Leonotis leonurus Although it is not quite known how long Wild Dagga has been used for, it is the Hottentot tribe that is most famously known for its... read more →
Scientific name: Geranium incanum Carpet Geranium gets its name from its attractive, delicate, soft and pretty ground cover nature and is a much-loved garden plant. It is also known as... read more →
Scientific name: Eriocephalus africanus Wild Rosemary is well known for its medicinal properties in South Africa. Eriocephalus Africanus also goes by the name Cape Snow Bush and Kapokbossie because of... read more →
Scientific Name: Artemisia Afra African Wormwood has a long traditional use and is one of the most widely used herbal remedies in South Africa. It is a highly aromatic, warming,... read more →