Scientific name: Usnea Old Man's Beard is a herbal medicine although technically not a plant. It is a lichen which is an organism that consists of a symbiotic relationship between... read more →
Scientific name: Leonotis leonurus Although it is not quite known how long Wild Dagga has been used for, it is the Hottentot tribe that is most famously known for its... read more →
Scientific name: Hypoxis Hemerocallidea Many South Africans, particularly traditional Zulu healers and herbalists, have long used the African potato to treat many conditions. It’s also said to ward off storms... read more →
Scientific name: Geranium incanum Carpet Geranium gets its name from its attractive, delicate, soft and pretty ground cover nature and is a much-loved garden plant. It is also known as... read more →
Scientific name: Eriocephalus africanus Wild Rosemary is well known for its medicinal properties in South Africa. Eriocephalus Africanus also goes by the name Cape Snow Bush and Kapokbossie because of... read more →
Scientific name: Centella asiatica Gotu Kola also known as Pennywort is undoubtedly one of the most powerful weeds known to (wo)man. Known as a “herb of longevity”, this tenacious creeper... read more →
Scientific Name: Artemisia Afra African Wormwood has a long traditional use and is one of the most widely used herbal remedies in South Africa. It is a highly aromatic, warming,... read more →
In this blog we will be looking at 7 herbs that promote heart health. Globally Cardiovascular disease takes more lives than TB, HIV and malaria combined. Every hour in SA,... read more →
Hormones... the communicators of our bodies. They can either make us, or break us. Did you know that herbs can help you balance your hormones? A small imbalance in your... read more →
It’s difficult not to get stressed and anxious in this crazy world we live in. Our nervous systems are constantly at work trying to find serenity and balance our stressful... read more →